Minggu, 25 November 2012

negative effect nuclear

Here is the danger of the impact of a radioactive leak from a nuclear reactor.
 Disasters in Japan sparked fears of a nuclear reactor meltdowns as happened at Chernobyl in 1986. Impact of radiation vary, there can be felt immediately and there is emerging in the long run.

The worst nuclear reactor meltdowns in history occurred in Chernobyl, Ukraine in April 1986. Besides triggering the evacuation of thousands of residents around the scene, the health effects are still felt the victims until many years later as cancer, cardiovascular disorders and even death.

By nature, the human body has mechanisms to protect themselves from cell damage from radiation and other harmful chemicals pejanan. However, as quoted by FoxNews, Sunday (13 / March / 2011), the radiation at some level can not be tolerated by the body with such a mechanism.

FoxNews Health Health Editor, Dr. Manny Alvarez says there are three factors that influence the effects of nuclear radiation. All three include the total radiation dipejankan, how close to the radiation source and the last is how long the victim terpejan by radiation.

These three factors will determine what the impact will be felt by the victim. High radiation can directly trigger an immediate impact moment can be known, while radiation can trigger unconscious long-term effects are usually even more dangerous.

Momentary or short-term impacts due to high radiation around a nuclear reactor are as follows.

    Nausea and vomiting

Meanwhile, the emerging impact of exposure to nuclear radiation for a few days of them are as follows.

    Dizzy, dizzy eyes
    Disorientation or confusion determine direction
    Weak, tired and looked listless
    Hair loss and baldness
    Vomiting blood or dysentery
    Low blood pressure
    Hard to heal wounds.

The impact of long-term chronic alias of nuclear radiation generally precisely triggered by low levels of radiation that are not recognized and are not anticipated for years. Some of the lethal effects of exposure to nuclear radiation, the long-term are as follows.

    Premature aging
    Nervous and reproductive system disorders
    Genetic mutations.

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Hasil Corel (Stiker & Logo)

Rabu, 19 September 2012

LDK SMAN 1 Lasem

SMAN 1 Lasem Akan Mengadakan Suatu kegiatan yang bertemakan kepemimpinan, yaitu "Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK)". yang akan dilaksanakan pada
Tanggal  : 21 september 2012 sampai hari minggu 23 siang.
Yang diikuti dari berbagai Organisasi, yaitu :
- Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah (OSIS)
- Dewan Perwakilan Kelas (DPK)
- Dewan Ambalan (DA).

Dengan Panitia adalah dari kakak-kakak OSIS senior, DPK, DA.. (Bukan Dari Guru)..

Jumat, 14 September 2012

Artikel Terkait

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Profil SMAN 1 Lasem


Nama Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 1 LASEM
Keterangan : Sekolah Menengah Atas
Alamat : Jalan Sunan Bonang KM 01 Lasem
Kota : Rembang
Propinsi : Jawa Tengah
Kode Pos : 59271
Telepon : 0295531170
Fax : 0295531170
Email : sman01lasem@yahoo.co.id



Selamat tahun pelajaran 2008/2009, siswa-siswa SMA Negeri 1 Lasem yang meraih kejuaraan adalah:
1. Bola Basket putri Juara I Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang
2. Atletik lari 1500 m Juara III Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang
3. Atletik Lompat Jauh Juara III Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang
4. Tenis Meja putri Juara II Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang
5. Bulutangkis putri Juara I Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang
6. Bulutangkis putra Juara III Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang
7. Lomba sinopsis Juara II Tingkat Kabupaten Rembang

Visi Dan Misi SMAN 1 Lasem

Terwujudnya insan yang bertaqwa,  berakhlak mulia, berilmu, cerdas dan terampil
1.    Meningkatan Iman dan Taqwa (IMTAQ), kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;
2.    Menerapkan nilai-nilai budi pekerti luhur dan menanamkan nilai-nilai kebangsaan;
3.    Melaksanakan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) yang intensif dan optimal melalui;
       Kurikulum SMA Negeri 1 Lasem;
4.    Melaksanakan penguasan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi(IPTEK) serta ketrampilan bagi peserta didik ;
1.    Meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bagi warga SMAN 1 Lasem;
2.    Menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten dan berbudi pekerti luhur serta mempertebal rasa rela berkorban dan cinta tanah air;
3.    Meningkatkan kinerja bagi seluruh komponen untuk mencapai standar nasional pendidikan;
4.    Meningkatkan kompetensi kelulusan bagi peserta didik;
5.    Memberikan bekal ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta ketrampilan bagi peserta didik agar menjadi lulusan yang kompeten;